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Edullinen laskutusohjelma yritykselle Käytämme
You can use the links below to explore our range of comics offerings. Extensive information is available about each comic, including an overview of the comic, sample strips, author details, and character introductions. Click and learn!
Local News Available in the following versions:
Local News

One of the most pop­u­lar Sun­day strips in Fin­land. Ti­mo Kähkö­nen and Ve­sa Il­maran­ta’s Lo­cal News com­ic strip fol­lows a young re­porter who has re­turned to his old home to work in a lo­cal news­pa­per.

Sunday strips FI (630 units), Request a quote
1-row sunday strips FI (129 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips EN (26 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips NB (289 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips NN (41 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips DE (10 units), Request a quote
Mixed Forest Available in the following versions:
Mixed Forest

Juk­ka Til­sa and Pauli Kal­lio’s sym­pa­thet­ic an­i­mal car­toon Mixed For­est gives chil­dren and adults some­thing to sink their teeth in­to.

Sunday strips FI (204 units), Request a quote
Urban Leap Available in the following versions:
Urban Leap

In Juha Kou­valai­nen’s Ur­ban Leap, kan­ga­roo Ga­roo shows up in the mail, for­ev­er mud­dling a cou­ple's plans.

Daily strips FI (256 units), Request a quote
Sunday strips FI (4 units), Request a quote
Bill and Esther Available in the following versions:
Bill and Esther

This strip by Ti­mo Kähkö­nen and Ve­sa Il­maran­ta’s fol­lows the lives of Bill, Es­ther and their close ac­quain­tances amidst the od­di­ties and de­lights of ev­ery­day life.

Pages FI (27 units), Request a quote
Tin-Bin Available in the following versions:

In Jyr­ki Paavo­la and Ti­mo Kokk­i­la’s Tin-Bin, the hu­mor hinges on the subtleties of hu­man ex­pres­sion.

Daily strips FI (15 units), Request a quote
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Royal Comics Syndicate
Muotialantie 68 D 28, 33800 Tampere - Finland

Edullinen laskutusohjelma yritykselle Käytämme