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The Royal Comics site has been updated
Published: March 21, 2011 at 4:16:38 PM   Modified: April 1, 2011 at 6:44:26 AM

Site up­date as part of in­ter­na­tio­n­al ini­tia­tive

The Roy­al Comics site www.roy­al­ has been up­dat­ed to help in in­ter­na­tio­n­al­iza­tion, al­low­ing fea­tured comics to be sold abroad. The site will be pub­lished soon in En­glish, serv­ing for­eign comics lovers and pub­lish­ers.

What has been up­dat­ed?
- The lay­out has on­ly been mod­i­fied slight­ly, be­cause it’s pret­ty classy al­ready (isn’t it?). There was no rea­son for a huge re­de­sign, since the or­der form and in­voice lay­out had been re­vised re­cent­ly to con­form to the same style as the home page.

- The site struc­ture and text con­tent were edit­ed to al­low quick trans­la­tion in­to any lan­guage. Our goal is to trans­late al­most all site ar­eas, for ex­am­ple the pre­sen­ta­tions of the comics, char­ac­ters and au­thors. The sec­tion for au­thors will be left un­trans­lat­ed be­cause it's in­tend­ed to serve on­ly do­mes­tic com­ic artists.

- The Publi­ca­tion Out­lets sec­tion was re­vamped: it now in­cludes a count of cur­rent and former pub­lish­ers as well as the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion about each publi­ca­tion out­let: coun­try, name, start and end dates of com­ic publi­ca­tion, the rate of publi­ca­tion and the lan­guage of the com­ic.

- Dif­fer­ent lan­guage ver­sions of comics are brows­able in the sec­tion for each ti­tle.

- The Comics navi­ga­tion bar has been re­de­signed. There is now a com­pact view where all the ex­tra text and bars have been re­moved, which fa­cil­i­tates brows­ing on mo­bile (and tablet) plat­forms and al­lows large-for­mat pages to fit on screen bet­ter. The navi­ga­tion bar al­so in­cludes an op­tion to se­lect how many strips are dis­played on each page.

- The Re­c­om­mend a com­ic sec­tion has been up­dat­ed. This sec­tion al­lows com­ic read­ers to send a publi­ca­tion sugges­tion di­rect­ly to a pub­lish­er, for ex­am­ple to the ed­i­to­rial of­fices of a news­pa­per if the read­er wish­es the news­pa­per would be­gin pub­lish­ing a fa­vorite com­ic strip. When for­eign pub­lish­ers are add­ed to the sec­tion lat­er, the num­ber of pub­lish­ing out­lets will in­crease by tens of thou­sands, so there was an ap­par­ent the need to change the drop-down menu to a key­word search. Cur­rent­ly the sys­tem has 1,426 jour­nals from Fin­land and Nor­way.

- The da­ta se­cu­ri­ty of the site forms (Re­c­om­mend, com­ic tip, feed­back form) was im­proved, for ex­am­ple by ad­d­ing fea­tures to fight spam robots.

- News can be add­ed in En­glish and Fin­nish.

- Print­able test ma­te­rial for the Unit­ed States mar­ket was add­ed to the Pub­lish­ers sec­tion. The sec­tion al­so now has a list of all col­or pro­files we use.

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Royal Comics Syndicate
Muotialantie 68 D 28, 33800 Tampere - Finland

Edullinen laskutusohjelma yritykselle Käytämme